You would think that with school cancelled and two blizzards less than a week apart I’d have had plenty of time to finish this novel already. But that would assume that I live in a secluded mountain retreat where there’s no one else around to talk to me during writing. Instead, I have four other people in the family and four pets.
So here’s how my time really goes.
1. Shovel path for dog to go outside
2. Play in the snow
3. Play board games
4. Play in the snow
5. Mario!
6. Mope because Feb 6 Young Author Conference is cancelled b/c of blizzard
7. Finish reading two books I started at the same time
8. Rearch for sequel. (I’ve gotta plan ahead, so I can see how to end this one)
9. Watch 24
10. Dig out car and forage for food
11. Write like 5 pages
12. Play in the snow
13. Spend too much time on facebook
14. More games
15. Make Play Doh versions of the kids
15. Take cat to vet (her foot was suddenly swollen 3 times normal size) on the one day the roads are passable
16. Take opportunity on road to fight crowds at store for supplies for storm #2
17. Throw “cook” in there about every other line. I have three growing kids
18. Do taxes
Now with 5 days remaining, I see I need to shovel up some solitude so I can finish this one.